In 2005 an eager home-grown resident of East London, Alverio Solomon, created his own internet café and repair Shop. In 2005, when very few people had access to reliable internet, Virtual Spot became one of many to follow. Virtual Spot internet Café quickly became a beloved spot in the Cambridge community.
The humble café offered a gateway to the digital world for locals eager to connect and explore the internet, or even to play computer games with friends on a local network over the weekends. Most importantly, Virtual Spot Internet Café empowered the community by introducing them to the 21st century way of doing business – being a place for many where they would send their very first email from.
As Virtual Spot internet Café grew in popularity, so did the demand for reliable internet access in the area. Recognizing the opportunity to bridge this gap, the founder Alveiro Solomon partnered-up with Wesley Walker, and expanded their vision in 2010.
Wesley Walker began as an IT specialist, where his knack for technology laid the groundwork for his career. After establishing and running his own successful IT consultancy (Walker Technologies), he saw an opportunity to work with his friend, and business partner today.
Together they transformed Virtual Spot into Virtual Spot Internet (VSI), evolving from an internet café into a pioneering fixed wireless internet service provider.
From then on, every click echoed with ambition. From the very beginning, we saw the potential of the internet to empower, educate, and elevate lives. What began with shared moments over email and chat soon evolved into a mission to make reliable, high-speed internet available to every doorstep in East London, and especially to those who for so long had lived out of town where ADSL and Fiber Optic connections never arrived, and in some cases are still absent to this day.
With dedication and commitment to service, VSI expanded its network to a scale that today can provide to almost any area in or around East London, shaping our aspiration to achievement. As the demand for connectivity grew, so did we. From providing service to homes, then to entire businesses, VSI forged ahead, installing infrastructure that now connect dreams to reality.
Today, VSI stands tall as a beacon of connectivity, with over 1000 loyal and happy clients providing seamless internet solutions that empower businesses, support education, and strengthen communities. Our journey from Internet Café to ISP is a testament to our belief that every connection made is a promise kept—to innovate, to inspire, and to ensure that no one is left behind in the digital age.
Join us at VSI, where every connection tells a story of growth, resilience, and the boundless possibilities of the internet. Let’s build the future together, one connection at a time.